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스웨덴의 겨울

스웨덴에서 찍은 사진들중 몇가지를 모은 것들입니다.
보다 자세한 내용은  아래 싸이월드를 참고해 주세요 ^ㅁ^






  눈이 얼마나 왔냐면요 . . .

    저기 덮인 부분이 무릎부분이니까 . . . . .

   뭐....  ㅎㅎ






  야밤에 얼어붙은 학교내 호수에서 스케이트를 타보겠다고 난리치다가 스케이트는 커녕 사진만 찍고 돌아왔다는 ㅎㅎ





  나무가 전부 얼어서 하얀색으로 변했어요 !!!! ㅎㅎㅎ








The lake in the campus has been totally frozen

the bench in the picture actually was in the middle of the lake






We don't need freezer in winter hehe


Wonder how much snow in Sweden?



you better not consider that you may calculate by centimeter level





Trees are in the snow  





Can't find bench






Trash can also is in the middle of snow








 take the bike . . . . I F Y O U C A N







Wake up in the morning and suddenly you found that you can't open the door.?


Maybe you should sweep off snow in front of the door


Oh, yes since you can't even open the window,  now you are stuck in





















 the last picture is snow sump which is  high as me