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MBA과제 정말 온난화가 있기는 한걸까? Global Heating Syndrome

Global Heating Syndrome

by MBA7 Linköping
온난화에 대한 다양한 주장이 있어왔습니다.

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 1. 탄소배출로 인해 온난화가 발생한거다.

 2. 환경오염과 전혀 상관없고 태양의 흑점때문이다.

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799A01            Introduction to advanced academic studies

 For international master students in Faculty of Arts and Sciences



Academic Writing Seminar II: Writing and essay, using sources and plagiarism The essay should be one page long (Font: Times New Roman 12, 1.5 line spacing) and present the student’s ideas about global warming while also reflecting the content of the two sources. In the essay the student should present an argument and show knowledge of and familiarity with the sources. The essay should have a captivating title and also include a short summary in the beginning of the essay, maximum 3 lines. This essay will be submitted through Urkund.

 숙제 2 : 제공된 글을 이용하여 표절하는 글을 작성하라. 단, 표절검색장치에 걸리지 않아야 함.





Global Heating Syndrome            by Mooyoung Son, 811121-T077, SMIO, Linkoping University

It was not only us, everyone was following the rule (made by someone) and we all were defrauded. They always warned us about Global warming and soil erosion and we kept spending a lot of money on our nature instead of economic development. According to Marcel Leroux who is a director of Laboratory of Climatology, Risk, and Environment and a professor of Climatology at Jean Moulin University, there’s no global warming because there’s no global climate. He insisted that general temperature of western Greenland and northeast Canada have been fallen considerably. Which means global is not warming, regional climate is just moving! In fact, the Earth's climate has changed many times [1] - especially in the last two million years, when a series of ice ages has wreaked havoc worldwide. Humanity lived on the earth for thousands of years. The possibility of climate change may threat our life is still low and now considerable.

However many countries insist that this is a serious threat for us. The problem is on “who is doing this?” Actually most of Climatologic researchers who insist global warming problem belong to rich countries. They are asking poor countries to spend more money and resource to keep environment clean after their industries had firmly established their lead over rivals. Economist Hajoon Chang clarified on his book that rich countries are lying to poor countries to disturb them being rich (Kicking Away the Ladder). Even Korea and China are already established high level of international competition power and still developing their nature. So why today’s poor countries should be required to develop differently? We must take care of our climate and nature because the climate evolves steadily and our environment affects on our lives, not for rich countries’ profit and stable position. Every country has their own right to make decision whether they develop their nature or preserve. It doesn’t belong to others. They should make decision themselves to make their lives safer and more beautiful.




1)        Global Warming: Myth or Reality?, Marcel Leroux, Jean Moulin University

2)        Report “Temperature”, John Baez, Mathematical Physicist, University of California, Oct 1, 2006

3)        Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism, Hajoon Chang, Bloomsbury Press, December/26 2007, 1596913991)




1 Temperatures over the last 4.6 billion years